Homedale and is northwest of the National Birds of Prey conservation area that is contained in the canyon lands and is north of the Givens Hot Springs, pool and spa historical recreation site. Homedale is located on the banks of the Snake River and is part of the Snake River Canyon lands. Location: Homedale is located 37 miles west of Boise, the capital of the state of Idaho and the economic hub for the region. Homedale area has become famous for its top end river front properties.
County properties tend to be upgrade but were not included in the statistics. water and sewer systems, for the community. Rapid growth has been limited by the lack of infrastructure, i.e. Homedale has become, to a lesser extent, a bedroom community for the Boise market, which represents most of the reported new growth. Most major services are located outside the county making transportation costs slightly higher. There are no major franchise stores in the community making food and other services slightly higher in cost. The typical home is small, older and of modest quality consistent with the historical use of the community and with the difference in index noted. Homedale is a small farming community which provides housing primarily for farm labor with some exception.

Summary: The greatest index difference was noted for the cost of housing. City property taxes are assessed through the county tax system. Property tax rates for Homedale Idaho real estate vary please contact the Owyhee County assessor's office for any questions at 20. State income tax rate: progressive tax range from 1.6% to 7.8% based on taxable income Homedale Idaho City Information Economics